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Shipping and handling fees are based on the weight, dimensions, and shipping method of your order. Unless otherwise stated, these charges apply to all orders. If your order is shipped in multiple boxes or in separate shipments due to out-of-stock items, the shipping and handling fee will be assessed when the first item is shipped. We only charge once for shipping and handling per order.
We primarily use UPS Worldship for fast and reliable delivery. However, to ensure timely shipping, we reserve the right to use an alternate carrier without prior notice.
Orders are shipped from our warehouse in Canada. Some special items may be drop-shipped directly to you.
All orders undergo a thorough review by our Credit Card Department to verify accuracy, payment validity, and authorization. This process may take up to 3 business days, depending on the information provided. For security purposes, voice confirmation may be required before processing payment.
The total time for delivery includes payment authorization, order processing, and shipping transit time. This can range from 24 hours to 10 days for in-stock items.